Circling again, through myopic lenses.....

Apr 08, 2005 23:47

Over dusty shoulders she snatches quick glimpses, with the final bits of flavor becoming diluted, assimilating with the myriad of new scents and tastes. Nostalgia now has no place, and in a rage, it thrashes about in a fury, demanding its former status and reverence. Her heart beat slows down to a murmur as compassion and affection which once reigned over former matters have now succumbed to time’s demands. Faith, the former theme, sits atop an empty bookshelf, obsolete. The dust clings firmly and she begs to be released from such monotonous slumbers.

Infections infiltrate vital resources, and in fear of depletion, they plead, cry, and demand resistance. Voracious, eyesores emerge from fallen masses, and consume all that boasts erectility. Futile attempts to satiate transmute into wasted energy. Reconciliation and or reproduction fail to suffice. She peers through eyes of retrospect, its optimism seeping into her grounds of influence, and longs to drive in reverse. Scars fail as warnings, and wasted efforts seem not an unreasonable toll. She misses it. No, she is mistaken. She misses rosy moments, the empty transient emotions, fictitious interpretations, and in its entirety, the myopic mirage. Consciousness awaits, and she abandons such notions for what lays ahead.
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