"Reason will not teach a solution, I will end up lost in confusion."

Dec 04, 2006 13:47

Blah! Okay, haven't updated for a good reason. I felt really, really lazy.

I have a list of things to write about, and it's about a page long, to give you the drift.

First of all: Had another fainting spell a week ago, on monday. I had just gone in for an appointment with my neurologist, and he ordered a blood draw because of the meds. So off I go to the lab, and they stick a needle in. ow, I've had my blood drawn many times, and I've watched it pretty much every time. I started to feel very hot and nauseous, so, given my track record, I announced, "Yeah. I'm going to faint." I remember leaning toward the wall (I was sitting down), and all the noise just stopped. I woke up thirty seconds later. THIRTY SECONDS. NONE of my fainting spells have lasted that long. I was out for maybe ten seconds last time, and it wasn't even then. Last time, I was still aware of what was going on. This time, I was totally out.

Of course, being in the lab of the hospital would ensure good care, right? WRONG. The nurses all freaked out. They didn't have cold towels or a basin, and they didn't know not to bend my knees. Duh. Fortunately, my mother WAS there, and she's getting increasingly better at this. :P

I'm pretty sure while I was out I had a really, really fast dream. Or hallucination. Something. I don't remember what it was, but I remember something happened. Then I woke up, and it was probably the scariest faint I've gone through, even if it was the least dangerous. One second I was out, the next second, I'm awake, very vaguely, and it's just noise all round, I can't understand anyone, they have cold towels on my head so I can't see, and I was shaking like jello. But I recovered quickly and we left, to head to the dentist (I'd been having more tooth pains). While we were driving there, I noticed my vision was very, very blurry, and at times it felt like I was looking through glasses with a too-strong prescription. Bleh.

At the dentist, it was confirmed that I had--guess--another infection! Yay. And I would keep getting them until I had all four wisdom teeth ripped out. Well, none of my other teeth came in straight. It would be foolish to think they would. :P

Then, because of my eyes, my mother got me in for a quick appointment at the opthomologist (probably not how it's spelled, but I'm too lazy to look it up). It turned out the too-strong prescription thing was because my glasses got bent when I fainted. But I still had blurry vision (still do, actually). So I'm getting new lenses which are due to arrive soon. Which is good, because it's hard to read fuzzy things.

Onto the second topic: Books! I've read many, and I have much to say about them.

I got the first book of Fables: Legends in Exile. Fabulous writing. Problem is, they don't have the second one at the bookstore. Aaaaa! I'll have to order it.

Read Thud by Terry Pratchett as well. Oh lord. The cow book. In the mountain. Now, I got my father addicted to Terry Pratchett, after reading Mort and Reaper Man to him. Oh, and Good Omens. So he's taken to buying all the Discworld books. He found this particular one, and that scene may seriously be one of the best ever written. I can't say more, because I'll give it away. Just go read it. Actually, grab Guards! Guards! too, because you'll need backstory. But anyway, my father and I have been quoting that scene back and forth to each other constantly. Mom thinks we're both nuts. Heee.

Also got the next two books of Yugioh. I was very worried about it going back to one villain a week type stories, because it would have been dumb after the whole Duelist Island Arc (which took, what, eight books?). Fortunately, it launched right back into a two book arc that worked to progress the character development more than anything, and now it's going into what looks like another huge arc. Whoooo! Also, Kaiba was hilarious at the end of the Duelist Island. Hee! "And I shall have my revenge on you when we get back to Japan!" "Uh, actually, we should probably give them a ride nee-san. We kinda owe them." "...DON'T THINK YOU'RE GETTING OFF BECAUSE I'M GIVING YOU A RIDE!" Oh, sweetie. You are SUCH a dork.

And Yami Bakura! MAN, I love when he's evil. Which is often. Can't wait to find out more about his backstory.

Er, moving on. (I don't know why, but every time I read those books, I regress to being eight years old. I sit in my bed and giggle at every dumb joke while munching down on candy. Hee.)

Third topic: Movies! Now that we've got Netflix, my mother's been using it to get every House series in existence. No, not the one addicted to vicodin. It's a bbc series, about modern people who go back in time to live like people from the era did. Sound like a dumb survivor rip-off? It's actually pretty intelligent. I recommend it. We watched 1900s House, Frontier House, and we're currently watching Manor House. You soon fall into the "I hate these people, but I love these people," mindset. I warn against Texas Ranch House, because the family there are the most idiotic ever. At least the cowboys were cool.

Saw Casino Royale again. I love it. So much. I really hope they make more with this actor.

Watched The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines last night. It was a nicely bad made-for-tv movie, but it had enough geeky historical/mythological references to satisfy my mother and I.

And I saw X-Men 3: The Stand. I know nothing of canon. I've never read the comic books. But I'm just glad that both Scott AND Jean died. Seriously. I was cheering. I WASN'T cheering at the end with Rogue, though. That seemed so out-of-character. So I choose the alternative ending. Also, Angel was the absolutely most adorable person there. With his wings! He's totally a favorite, behind Nightcrawler. And Gambit, if he's as cool as everyone says.

Also saw Comic Party, which has the wonderful side-effect of making me want to draw. I haven't yet, but I plan to today. This means I probably won't, because I'm a lazy dirtbag. But I'll try. I actually did get a new comic idea about a telepathic gambler of the steampunk genre. It's set in the Edwardian era, which spawned from watching too many of the House things, methinks.

Aaaand saw Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. I'd never seen that before, shockingly enough. Well, I'd seen a few scenes, but not the whole thing. My brother's girlfriend came to visit us for a few days, and she brought that. She was very nice. She'll probably come back for Generic Winter Holiday, yay. ^_^

I think that's about it. My teeth are set to be ripped out in two and a half weeks. I'll probably write again before then, but you never know.

ETA: It's snowing! There's about two inches so far. YAY!
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