Nov 21, 2006 19:05
Outside our house, a flock of wild turkeys circle. They’ve been wandering around the yard all day. Hopefully it won’t turn into a case of The Birds. :D
I have a cold sore on the inside of my mouth. ARGH. I can deal with cold sore on the outside, but not inside. It’s located right at the end of my lower teeth, so it rubs. All. The. Time. *twitch* I’m using some zilactin, since the tried-and-true nail polish remover trick failed to do anything. It’s swollen more and refuses to leave. MEH.
Okay, so what’s up with the extended edition of King Kong? Thirty-eight extra minutes? Dude, that would have been helpful to know BEFORE I got the first dvd. Clearly, I can’t buy the first dvd of any movie Peter Jackson releases, because they’ll always release a special edition later. Blah!
I bought a few books, none of which are out of the ordinary. Just stuff. Also, Once Upon a Mattress. Man, I love that musical now. I must learn the songs!
Also, Heroes! I am so, so glad I didn’t have chorus last night. Otherwise I would have been all, “I have to leave early! I MUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS!” And my dad would nod, going, “YES LEAVE EARLY.” Hee. We are both so obsessed with this show. And Claire is officially awesome.
Also saw the new 007 movie. Now, I have never seen a Bond movie before. No, none of them. But I really liked this one. It could be because the actor is awesome. I hope they remake all the Bond movies with these actors. MMM. Awesome. And if they do the one that Diana Rigg was in, they’ll have to get Uma Thurman to play her character, because she played Emma Peal in the Avengers movie! And THAT would mean Eddie Izzard would play a nameless evil guy with no lines! That would be so cool!
So go see the movie! We must get more Daniel Craig James Bond! (if only ‘cos his eyes made me go “WHOA.” Forget Elijah Wood, this guy’s eyes are bluer than blue. He has joined my list of men I find attractive, bringing the number up to four. Eheh.)
Avatar! Man, I love this series. I don’t know how I’ll last the week and a half ‘til the season finale. Aaaaaaaaaa.
My Japanese lessons are going well. Mio-sensei thinks the best way for us to learn grammar is to have us watch Japanese soap operas. You know, forget American soap operas. Japanese soap operas are even funnier. They have guys leaping across twenty foot cliffs! Utterly hilarious.
And I got a hair stick. Or, chop sticks. You know, I don’t know what to call them. But we were browsing around the mall on Sunday and found this little hair accessories booth, and the woman latched onto me, going, “You have such long pretty hair! Let me do stuff!” and started winding things into my hair. I’ve never been able to successfully get my hair up, so it was quite a shock how quickly she did it. Also, it’s pretty. :D Yay! I’m going to get more from that booth. More tools to tame the hair monster.
I believe I shall go play some EQ.