Feb 16, 2011 19:09
if by chances you found a great person with a great love but unfortunately you can't be together because of something happen that wont let you be together, what will you do??
let them go because obviously there are not meant for you. be confident with your self. no self pitying, they are not worth your tears. do not mourn for them it is not worth it. give your self a chance and pride. open up your self for another love. because there are abundance of love out there to explore. there is no end of love. there is other people who will love you as who you are.
'mulakan langkah kedepan dengan penuh keyakinan. yang lalu biarkan berlalu. pandang ke hadapan untuk masa hadapan. kiri dan kanan ada keluarga dan sahabat yang sudi dan ikhlas membantu dan jangan lupa untuk menoleh kebelakang untuk jadikan ia sebagai satu pengajaran. hidup mesti diteruskan kerana masih ada banyak lagi yang perlu kita pelajari dari hidup ini....'
'step forward with confident. let bygone be bygone. face full ahead for future. look to your right and left because you have family and friends that are there for you and do not forget to look back and let it be your guidance. life have to proceed because there is a lot we have to learn...'
'tabah dalam menghadapi apa saja dugaan yang mendatang. terima dengan redha dengan apa saja ketentuan yang diberikan. mungkin ini bukan milik kita tetapi suatu hari nanti kebahagian yang hakiki akan kita punyai..'
'be strong with every obstacle of life. to accept with open heart with every provision we received. it is may not for us but an eternal happiness will be ours someday...'