I had a disturbing dream last night. It started off simple enough; there was a light dusting of snow in the driveway, so I went out with my sister (who was a skinny redheaded girl, for some reason) to shovel. We were having fun, but then something changed; our parents came out and told us we had to get out of there; we were being chased by some bad people and they had found us. Apparently this had happened before, as we were used to packing quickly and leaving our lives behind. Or rather, just our stuff behind. I learned long ago that everything was just stuff; the only thing that really mattered was our lives and our family.
So we left. There was a bit about propping up the garage with a 2x4 support that we had to build; not quite sure what that was about. We got to a new house and unpacked.
At some point my dad (who was also not my real dad; he was a burly white guy) turned on us; something snapped and I found out that he was really involved with the bad people. He hurt my mom (not my real mom) and my sister and came after me. I punched him in the face. Right hook after right hook, I broke his nose and gave him a black eye. But he kept coming. We ran into the kitchen. I grabbed a kitchen knife. He wouldn't stop. I swung at him. I stabbed him in the belly. He winced and backed off; but then he pulled the knife out, threw it to the floor, and kept coming. I grabbed another knife and attacked. And another. And another. Maybe the first ones weren't big enough. Another. Maybe that one wasn't sharp enough. Another. I kept hitting him and hitting him, and he was bloody all over, but still he kept coming. I wasn't just fighting for my own life, I was fighting to protect my mother and sister (who now started to feel more like a girlfriend than a sister, to make things even more complicated). I was getting tired, crazed, and desperate. Finally, I slashed his throat from ear to ear; I could feel the blade push through his windpipe, like cutting through cartilage on a chicken thigh. He fell backwards into another room. I got my mother and sister and ran.
But just when we thought we were safe, when we stopped to catch our breath, he was back! It was like a bad horror movie come to life. He stole the redheaded girl away and locked her up in his house. But later, when I tried to rescue her, it was like he had brainwashed her; she refused to leave. Crying, she told me to go and leave her behind. That's when he attacked, during my moment of bewilderment and confusion. I resumed fighting him with every ounce of my strength.
And then I woke up, tired and hot, my heart racing.
What does it mean? I often have dreams where things are out of control; like driving down a hill with brakes that don't quite work. I push and push on the pedal, so hard with all my strength that I think I will push it straight through the floor of the car, but the car will not stop. And if I let go it begins accelerating again. In another recurring dream, my teeth are all loose and falling out, as if they were baby teeth all being pushed out at once, and I can't do anything to stop it.
Normally, this would be interpreted as my subconscious trying to work out problems in my real life, such as not being able to control what happens to me or where my life is going. Blah blah psychobabble blah. But what does it really mean?
What should I do?
How can I save the redheaded girl?