Oct 22, 2005 10:01
So, life is good.
Guitar theory is kicking my ass. I've never been a big theory fan, but I know that I'll like knowing this stuff in a few years. Whenever I get tired of the theory contemplation, I switch over and play some classical. I'm working out a pretty Minuet right now that isn't hard to understand, but does have some tricky pull-off pull-off hammer-on nonsense.
Last night, I finally finished reading The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. Has anybody else ever read it? Whoa! Monday night, in addition to feeling ill or maybe because of illness or maybe even causing the nausea, I couldn't stop dreaming and thinking about what was happening in the book. It was right at this section when dreams and reality were blending into each like mad. Stop reading this paragraph if you are planning on reading this book. If you're not planning on it, read more, and then be convinced to read it. The whole thing left me with profound impressions and is now on my list of favorites. This author is mind twisty. Gibriel, the movie star turned archangel in a plunge from an exploding plane (with his counterpart Saladin who turns into the devil) dreams about the prophet Muhammad. Muhammad dreams and controls Gibriel's words, and says that he's heard the voice of God. One of his followers, his scribe, begins to disbelieve that Muhammed speaks the truth and starts altering the prophet's words, reasoning that if it truly is holy, Muhammad will notice. Muhammad doesn't notice. The verses of God are really satanic; however, there is also no guarantee that they were ever Holy in the first place. Especially because the re-born angel Gibriel in the present seems a bit off his rocker. I actually liked Saladin, the guy that turns into the Devil, more. No wonder Rushdie went into hiding for years. He has such an interesting writing style... I still love Midnight's Children
I need a book club. Or a professor.
If you haven't noticed, work is making me learn and use html, so neat. Now I can use it at will.
I had to take my dog to the vet last week; I found another lump on her rib cage. It's just a fatty tumor, non-malignant, and unless she starts to be bothered by it, it's just going to hide underneath all of her hair. She's A OK.
I've got the house mostly to myself right now; my mom is out of town. This afternoon, my Uncle Michael gets here; he's staying till Thursday. He's the one that has the boat (Hawaii stories). I'm not sure what we'll all be doing. Something will work out. Who needs concrete plans?