Jun 11, 2004 22:57
Well this last week has been a good one i would say..school is out and im ready for this summer i soppose. Wensday i went to a movie with stacy..and some people that dont want their names mention on here..ha...well it was good..i feel really close to stacy and its a good thing..i havent felt quite like this before..i can talk to her about anything..i know i have already wrote about this before on this journal..but honestly its all that i have been thinking about...and i love the feeling..i dont know i cant explain it..there is somthing about the look in her eyes..somthing that draws my twards her...and she is just a rad girl that i absolutly love to be with..i truely care for her more than words could say... let me tell you this..i havent been quite this close to a girl...its scary at times..but its all worth it in the end..yes, yes i fell for her real hard..as the night slowly fades i am very tired..and the thought of sleeping sounds real good about now..althoug i have been up trying to write this song...but its not comming out..and its quite frustrating..i wonder what i will do tomarrow..?///oh, oh i know im going to rachels open house it should be fun..especially cause somone i want to see is going to be there..as for now im going to go and write...ill leave you with one last thought though..."as the night grows colder, hold on to her..and kiss her lips as if it was the last time you had the chance, make the best of it..no regrets, tell her you love her, its worth it" ever so sweet, you make this seem...