Gymnasts are MANLY!

May 21, 2010 00:35

Manly like MANLY MEN!

Okay, so this is either the most painfully hillarious or the most awkward show I've ever seen. :D Not sure which is better.

Watched 4 episodes so far. 50 minutes each and there hasn't been a single one where somebody didn't cry. Sometimes TWO people would cry at different points because of different issues. And issues. Oh boy. There are nothing but ISSUES here. Four episodes almost covered the entire usual high school and not-so high school drama palette. But thankfully, they are sooner or later resolved by the ~*~magical~*~ healing touch of MANLY rythmic sport gymnastics.

And common baths.

Which five or six of them boys take at the same time, in every. damn. episode. The fanservice is so over the top, I can't even. :D I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR NAKED ASSES ALL THE TIME, PEOPLE! This is not Tenimyu!

I've also started to keep count who cries the most - I think Setomaru's winning so far, but it's a pretty even race. xD

And next episode! It seems we're going to have.... surprise BL! With Tomo! Tomo playing a homo role? INCONCIEVABLE! xD Apparently he has the hots for Daito Shunsuke's Kiyama, which I can get behind 'cause I have the hots for him too. He looks a bit like a tall version of Genki with the same smoky cat-eyes, thus quite delicious. GTFO, Tomo.

Meanwhile AAA's Nissy wears two expressions, ":|" and "WTF", alternatively. Smile, Nissy! I was hoping for some DeliGaku-like cuteness!

I can't wait for Masa after this, honestly. I can already visualize him in some ridiculous getup, prostrating himself on a gym mat crying and tearing at his glittery leotard because of something Deep and SRS. But of course there'll be MAGICAL rhythmic sport gymnastics to save the day!

It's awesome. :D

(Or at least better than Dosokai, which I started to watch because of Ouji, only to find out that he's like, in every third episode, for only a few minutes. But last time he was FIERCE and FIERCELY ate an anpan while keeping watch from a police car - and the only thing I like more than hot cop!Ouji is badass gangster!Ouji, so this pleases me muchly. I might sit through this series, even though I just can't relate to the problems of unhappy 45 olds and the main actress annoys the hell out of me.)

reviews, wtf?!, whacky japanese, lolz

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