Thrill! Excitement! Coming soon to a theater (?) near you!
The most anticipated film this autumn: A hard-boiled action movie!
Kimi wa Boku no Taiyou! :D
"At a billiards salon Masa is about to strike the next ball, when sticky-fingered Ayumu who has a bad habit of nicking things, enters with an attache case in hand. Yasu picks the lock with one of his secret tools and there they discover a huge amount of cash!
For a moment everyone is ecstatic, but then Masa's cellphone rings...
Turns out the attache case actually belongs to the infamous gang leader and mafioso, Jose Miguel Gaucho!
Gaucho has kidnapped Yosshi and now threatens the boys! "If you don't bring me that attache case, your friend's life is no more!"
With case in hand, Masa wants to set out alone on a rescue mission, but he's held back by the others who are also determined to save their companion. Equipped with guns by the owner of the billiards salon, Masa, Kouhei, Ayumu and Yasu head for the hideout of Gaucho...
Arriving at Gaucho's base, they find Yosshi tied up, with bruises all over his face. Masa is about to hand over the case, but from the shadows, one of the gang members suddenly opens fire and the situation escalates into a gunfight!
Kouhei is taken down and Masa launches into counterattack, but in an unguarded moment Gaucho raises his gun to shoot Masa...!!"
The Gang
Nakagauchi Masataka
Matsumoto Yasuo
Yoshimura Kouhei
Shimoda Yoshihiro
Masufuchi Azuma
The Mafiosi
Jose Miguel Gaucho (:D)
Nakagauchi Masataka
Ivan Ayumuchov
Gass Mayall
Matsumoto Yasuo
Cauffiel Braun
Yoshimura Kouhei
A cross between a latin macho a v. shady character and Johnny Depp. :)
Poor Yosshi! xD
Sneak peak of the PV
here!......For the record, I watched this before reading the "cast list" and have recognized mafioso!Ayumu but not Masa. xD Taking a look at the promo, I was like: "Hey, this guy here has the same first name as Ma------ OH WAIT!"
Really, I want to see him in a gunfight with himself! xD