
Jul 29, 2009 13:04

The topic of "catchphrase osmosis" often comes up in communities or groups of people who spend a lot of time together. I have experience with this firsthand, being part of a big cultural community where there's frequent and long-time interaction between the members. It's enough if one (usually more influental) person or a smaller clique starts to use a certain word - I saw phrases spread like wildfire from there and everyone uses them costantly, at least until something new and funnier comes along. :)

Just think of internet memes.

I'm sure there have been many thesises written on this subject and I leave that to academics, but how about our significantly smaller and cosier corner of fandom?

'Cause while I love that my silly brainsparks are quoted like I'm the Gandhi of myu fandom - go ahead! really! - I also would like people to know the background. Do your homework, kids. The answers are out there, you just need to know where to look. :)

Thus I present...

Poll Nicks.

Play along. :3

myuboys, polls

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