Cafe Daikan revisited.

Jan 26, 2009 17:14

I trust you have all seen Baba's new alterego Tina by now. She's cute, opinionated, apparently loves delicacies and knows fully well she's hot. And Baba's just playing her up like she was a separate entity and having so much fun underneath all the makeup. Honestly, I can't say anything else what we have already discussed with doingfirst: Baba knows and loves Baba the most, so clearly Tooru/Tina is the way to go. OTP.

Okay, so I never thought I'd say this, but Daikanyama II - I cried, dammit. D:

Spoilers are on, obviously.

I was less than impressed with the first movie, seeing as it was so fucking depressing in an unnecessary and unexplained way (also way too much dancing Aiba), but oh my. This one actually managed to be not just a nicely done prequel, but also sweet, touching and funny (!) at some points. I flailed at Sally on Y!M about the scary WTF opening already, with two scenes of OMG PEOPLE DYING and AIBA CLUBBING AND KIRA KIRA-ING AT THE CAMERA juxtaposed in the first 2 MINUTES.

Even so, we soon head to less brainbreaking waters, as Aiba runs from a bunch of jocks who apparently weren't too impressed with his dancing either and knocks into the old confectionary owner from the first movie, whom he has to drag home and patch up. And then the old guy ropes him into helping out at his cafe. xD

Slowly, the story of the old master unfolds, his dream of opening a cafe together with his best friend Tacchan, the jealousy he felt towards him when Tacchan turned out more of a skilled confectioner than he was. Tacchan, the father of Baba's character from the first movie is played by Baba himself which is weird at first, but turns out to be necessary, since Baba wouldn't even appear in this movie otherwise. xD So, our master, Sou-chan, prompted by a little girl claiming Tacchan's cookies are more delicious than Sou-chan's cakes, leaves his friend to pursue his dream of becoming famous.

Years pass and he comes back without succeeding, to find his old friend waiting for him with their dream - their own cafe - turned to reality. Meanwhile, Tacchan got married and has a son, Gaku - BB's character from the first movie - and when Sou-chan comes back there's this moving scene of their reunion, with little Gaku running up to Sou-chan and his father saying "he's Papa's old friend". There Sou-chan just starts to cry tears of joy and Baba gets this beautiful, gentle smile on his face and... no words. I teared up. Such a lovely scene. ;_;

Really impressed with Nakamura Tomoya, who plays the young Sou-chan, BTW. His acting is very expressive and intense but never overdone.

But of course, since this is a Japanese movie, happiness can't last long! Tacchan is killed in a car accident leaving Sou-chan with pangs of guilt and regret about having broken their promise. The cafe is sold and he moves away to set up shop in another town - where he meets Hibiki (Aiba). Soon Kotocchi (Renn) and Sardine (Genki) arrive too and together they can become the ones who continue the dream of Sou-chan and Tacchan.

The movie is basically the story of the three original Cafe Reve owners and a bit of backstory for them. There's a hillarious scene where Aiba is hiring help for the cafe and before Renn and Genki arrive, all kind of weirdos show up. :D This kind of light humor is what I missed from the first movie.

And then there's Renn who is just brilliant at being reserved and straight-faced and just so utterly.full of. ennui. He's pulling it off really well, but while in the first movie Kotocchi and his sexually frustrated admirer was one of the main reasons for the sheer depression that oozed from every frame, here he fits in much better.

And Genki. Mwah. <3 He's beaming and wide-eyed and polishes off ten plates of cake, exclaiming "Mmm, delicious!" with his mouth full, and going O RLY? ;D at Aiba in his little devilish way then wibbling teary-eyed at his parents who want him to become a pastor. ASDFHLK, LET ME HUG YOU BABY. ♥

I'm always in two minds about Aiba, because he's not bad per se, but his random kira kira dance scenes bother me so much. They looked so forced and so much DO NOT WANT here. Movie makers seem to think that just because people fangirl Aiba in Tenimyu, he should break out his twirly Fuji sparkles at every opportunity, but please, NO. So unfitting for this movie. Meh.

All in all, Tacchan and Sou-chan's storyline wins at being the most fleashed out and engaging story in the movie. Interestingly enough, the first one should still be much more enjoyable in light of this one, so this might warrant a rewatch.

BTW, the way they raise money to buy back the original cafe? Aiba goes and wins a dance contest (oh LOL), Renn wins some annual koto contest and Genki? Well he goes and wins an eating contest by accident as his opponent passes out from too much food. xD

Oh and Baba? He is just smiling and gentle and an ethereal presence who would have been fine without even opening his mouth. <3

I'm sure the makers realized they need to give at least a reason for those three (four) characters sticking together, because we never get it in the first movie. They are just there, like they have no better place to go and the sheer sadness of it made me cry tears of horror. D: I'm glad we got to see their motivations here.

Not as poignant as Kizumomo, but still an enjoyable afternoon movie. :)

myuboys, reviews, whacky japanese, rambling

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