Kira Kira.

Nov 09, 2008 22:00


Look at those two pair of beautiful arms.

(stolen from dilettantka)

...I still refuse to call you Boobs Rack's, boys. >.O

I almost jokingly put on top of Masa's MnE entry that some nasty pimple is the reason that there are no pictures this week. Then I thought, eh, we've seen more drunk worse things from you, surely you just look tired. xD

"Until this pimple is healed I won't put up any pictures, so please wait a bit!"

Is it wrong of me that I LOL'd
Oh baby, don't worry, even if you have a zit on your adorable pug nose, I still LU. ♥ xD

That reminds me, I think our MnE readership is getting lax. >:|! Surely it's not just me who has noticed that the amount of watchers and the amount of comments we get is very much not in direct proportionality with each other. Maybe we should arrange a "MnE group appreciation day" for our next monthsary. Juu, any input? :)

Finally managed to DL the new Hyouteimyu soundtrack. It's kinda a forgettable one without seeing the accompanying scenes, except for the solos. Those, and the Hyoutei songs are ace. They only had to reprise Koori no Emperor a bit and I was sold. Evidently, in the history of Tenimyu, songs that have to do with 'ice' always kick ass. :D I have no idea about the new cast, 'cause I haven't been following them at all, but A(?)- Atobe and Oshitari sound so very much like Kazuki & Takumi at points. They must have tried really hard.

Dai-chan is still amazing and his Jimonjitou solo is fabulous, even if the music is totes like the ending theme for the Matrix. xD ...You must tell me I am right!

Oooh Heavy Rain. Nice one, Fufu-chan. <3 Asdfghk, somebody tell me what this tune is. Lambada? Bossanova? Very laid-back, very smooth. Aiba!Fuji was all soulful ballads, Yuuta!Fuji is all about the swing. :3

Also, the composers SO stole some familiar music notes this time. xD Observe:
Ichinen song -> Pretty Woman
Tezuka solo -> Matrix
Fuji solo -> not a particular one, it's just the melody, but still.

Koori no Sekai / Tie Break are actually very fitting songs for the epic Ryoma vs. Atobe match. Would love to see Kazuki doing these, even though A-Atobe (must learn his name! Inoue?) is very very impressive. <3

ps: I almost forgot to do Baba-blog this week. xDDDD Shows how your gripping entries are maintaining my interest, BB! ♥

myuboys, masa, fandom, tenimyu

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