Trick questions from
ensein. :3
1. Leave me a comment saying you want to do the meme.
2. I'll respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You should update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You should include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.
I hope you will forgive me for not giving out this meme to all of you. I'll be pretty busy this weekend and I likely won't have time to think up questions for all of you, so let me cheat a bit. :3 Anyway, I'm still going to put down my answers here, if only because I had my doubts whether they'd fit in a comment to
ensein. xD
1. Languages! How long have you been studying Japanese, why did you decide to study it, and what gives you the most problems? Same for English.
I started studying English in 4th grade of elementary school. Actually there was a period where I studied German more, because my major in high school was German. From 6th grade on I studied both German and English with a private teacher and in school too.
Japanese, I started as a sad little anime fan, 5 years ago. xD Then gradually I realized how much more there is to this culture and language than just understanding what they say in anime. So first I hired a private teacher, then started my major at uni. Now I'm more a fan of classic literature and history, but of course I've still retained my affection for pop culture. And the pretty boys. :)
English -> I think I'd need to expand my vocabulary. I feel like being stuck on the same level. It's a high level, true that, but since I'm not actively learning English anymore, my vocabulary is stagnating. Like, a lot. D: NETSPEAK IZNT EVRYTHIN. (Also I have issues with tenses sometimes. D:)
Japanese -> Kanji. Need to study more kanji. D: I'm great at listening-speaking, but reading is my weak point. Vocabulary is also an issue here, but since neither my level, nor the amount of vocabulary needed for proficiency can be compared with English, I'd say I'm progressing. (I hope. D:)
2. What got you into Tenipuri and the myus? Who was your favourite character when you just got into it, and who's your favourite character now?
Ohohoho, THIS WILL BE LONG. :D Back when I was more into anime and manga, I made a big deal out of how stooopid Tenipuri is (blah, pretty boys and tennis, blah, sports manga, etc.) I was also in the Harry Potter fandom when lots of BNFs decided to jump ship in order to write for, yeah, Tenipuri. Because of this I was kinda familiar with the setting. There I also thought PoT = Seigaku, 'cause everyone seemed to fangirl them, which deepened my dislike even more.
In early 2007, I watched DL1 to see Tuti, Nagayan and Eiji, whom I already loved because of Burimyu. I also watched the huge GradMyu, but knew nothing of the plot, save what was presented in the myus. I still haven't touched the manga.
Then in October 2007, out of boredom, I decided to check out DL4 on Youtube . I remember pausing at every song to look at the wiki, 'cause I had NO IDEA who all those characters were. xDDDDDDD But then Rikkai came out and did their scary song, and there was D1 shaking their asses in "Petenshi" and I was like, OOOH SHINY. xD
I took the manga and read all the Rikkai-related chapters. Never saw the anime save for the chibi eps. Even until now, myus and doujins are my only exposure to PoT.
As for characters, first I was v. intrigued by Niou - hi Masa :D - but now my favourite character is actually Akaya. :) Bratty and misbehaved as he is, he has this constant desire, this inferiority complex he works wery hard to overcome, and in truth is just a little woobie. <3 I love him to bits, I love the way Genki portrays him. (I also have a soft spot for fanon!evil princess!Yuki, but I blame doujin for that.)
3. If you had to pick only one fandom of the ones you're currently into, which would you pick?
I'm happy with myu fandom right now. :)
4. Lol, okay, I can't resist this one - what kink would Ouji (or Masa, take your pick :D) have to be into for you to be completely turned off? :D You know, except for the obvious nasty stuff like watersports, scat, and etc. *gags*
4.) Ahaha, oh man. x3 (Let's talk Masa... ah, um, for the sake of the question. :3) Tricky of you to exclude the obvious disgusting stuff I'd have brought up as an answer. xD I had a hard time thinking of one thing (*cough*), but I say this: If he was way too submissive, into unnaturally heavy D/s and humiliation. Awkwardness / people being humiliated is one of my huge squicks, so that would definitely turn me off. I'm not fit for that. He's free to disregard my female dignity anytime, though. *shifty look* (And of course, NO YIFF PLZ. DDDDD:)
5. What do you like best about doing translations? What is the most fun part for you? (I mean all the translations you do, not just the blogs.)
While admittedly, I enjoy translating blogs and magazines much more than 13th century Buddhist texts (xD), the best part about any translation is the way and the moment when a sentence takes shape. When I put it down in English or Hungarian and I know that it accurately gives back the meaning and intention of the original. Of course sometimes you have to jump through hoops and sweat blood to achive this. :)
Translation should never ever be literal. If you want your readers to enjoy it, then it CAN'T be literal. You have to make it sound good in the target language, and that's where both the fun and the difficulty lie. For ex., I love when I manage to make something sound as hillarious in English as it was in Japanese. :3
...If you've read through this, you clearly have too much time on your hands. xD Sorry.