Jan 20, 2002 17:19
I have Angelina beat. Oh, you don't know what i'm talking about, angelina? Well, i remember how happy you were because you met Chris Henderson from 3 Doors Down. And i said that i played Chris's guitars which is better. Well even if you thought that your experience was better than mine, i know that i have you beat now. Why, you ask? Well, besides playing Chris's guitars, I met him last night, so now we're tied, BUT i also met Brad Arnold. So I my guess is that Meeting Brad Arnold, Chris Henderson, and playing Chris's guitars, Like i did, is better than just meeting Chris Henderson, like you did.
OH yea, this is cool too. This is a direct quote from Brad Arnold about my band Joshua Sun, so please excuse the language. " Somebody told me that ya'll fucking rock!!!!"
So beat that Angelina!!!!!!!!!