Aug 28, 2004 18:41
I had another cool dream in which I imagined a very cool location. This time I was wandering around houston for some reason (looking for a cafe I liked to hang out in, I think. Why can't I find another place like that one in Cleaveland? which I totally stumbled on w/in a day of arrival.) Anyhow, I found a park or something I really liked, and was considering moving apartments one near there. I liked the feel of the area. I stopped in at a fast food diner, but as I was leaving I discovered one reason not to live there- the crime. Namely the guy at the front with the gun threatening the people behind the counter. I slipped out the door without him noticing, but there were a bunch of bad-ass looking people hanging out near my car, and I was worried they were with the guy inside, so I hurried off in another direction. I'm not sure where I thought I was going on foot. I think I was going home and it was perfectly logical to travel accross half the city on foot when I'm worried that I might be in a bad area. @_o;;; Anyhow, I found myself in a cobblestone ally that turned into a tunnel, like those that go under streets? There were pleanty of people around, so I went into the tunnel, and discovered that it didn't just go under the street, it went under the city! It was like this networt of brick and cobblestone walkways underground, like the networks attatched to the larger subway stations in Japan. Anyhow, it was full of goths and hippies, with all these little stands and stores selling jewelry and clothes and inscence. People had purple hair, hair down to their feet, billions of piercings...But plenty of people dressed fairly normally too. No preppy, rich people though. Just artsy-type people. The type of people you'd find at an SCA event, or in a theater department at a college...Bookworms, musicans... There were buskers at some of the intersections, playing guitars or violins or african drums. Lots of flowing swooshy cloth in earthy tones and skin tight black. And all surrounded by brick and cobblestone. Beaded curtains as entrys to many of the stores. It kind of reminded me of that area by the warf in Seattle (forgot what it's called). Or maybe somewhere in Paris...yes, the cobblestones and narrow alleys with all these little doors leading into little stores was definately Paris. I remember thinking something that made me awfully sad when I woke up. "Wow! There really is a cool area like this in Houston! I'm so glad I found it! I really feel comfortable here..."
Sigh. I guess I should have realized exactly what my subconscious found comfortable when I fell in love with that place in Cleaveland...The waitress I usually got was pierced everywhere possible, and there was a crimson, purple, and lepord print couch. Even if the rest of the place was just artsy with a vaugely futuristic/ minimalistic/ asian feel. And it had great music. Sigh.
There has to be at least a cofee house or SOMETHING like that around here, doesn't there? I mean, it's the thrid freaking largest city in the united states. I want a hang out place with artsy folks, god damn it! Even if I'm not all that artsy, and I don't dress hippy or goth (99% of the time, at least), that's the type of place I like to be at.