Whee excited...(about a not so exciting thing)

May 01, 2007 20:08

Whee!! So, after much deliberation and many sneezy, coughing, plugged up nights, crys and I made a decision.

We decided to spend the money and get a good vacuum.

Our old one, has been on life-support for years, and this allergy season seems to have been the final straw. It was just re-distributing the dust, and not sucking it up anymore.

So, off to futureshop we went (because of the card and the financing) and looked at models.

We(I) decided to buy a dyson. I read the reviews etc, and opted for this brand. The model? DC 15 Animal.

Click here

Well... it sucks.... really really well.... I turned it on and forgot to shut off the wand. This caused my hand to stick to the handle (where the wand comes out of).

Sucked up so much cat hair and dust out of the carpets, that I was horrified. I vacuumed once today and this place is so much less dusty in the air. Its awesome.

Finally I can breathe in the spring. its kind of nice...

Can't wait to vacuum again tomorrow......



Wow, odd that I get excited about a cleaning supply. Seems I need a life.

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