[one-shot] Not That You'd Admit It

Dec 01, 2008 23:01

Title: Not that you’d admit it.
Length: Oneshot, 1,446 words
Author: inappropri8 
Genre: secret agent!AU, angst,
Rating: Pg-13 for language and mentions of sex
Pairing: Written as Ryo/Uchi. But so damn vague it could go any way.
Warnings: 2nd person again. And angsty, again.
Comments: Inspired by James Bond. Was forced to see it, so of course I made it gay. This is ( Read more... )


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nexttwentylove December 2 2008, 23:11:30 UTC
I'm feeling a lot of self-imposed pressure to give you a comment anywhere near as awesome as the comments you give out. I suck at commenting in general (as you are aware), so I can't really do it, but this little fic seriously deserves it. Ok.

So first of all, you know I'm totally sketchy on my feelings for second person, but I really, really, really loved this. That many really's. Fluted really, even (r.e.a.l.l.y.). This totally made me sad, but hopeful that it all works out, cause you know, sadfacing. And I like the vagueness, and I kind of always love fics with this kind of interchangable characterizing (not a word?), where it was written as RyoUchi, but could be anyone. Except I read it as RyoUchi anyway, so.

And I'm not really a quoter, but these two lines I especially loved:
You don’t believe in psychology, but you know you have issues.
I don't really know what to say about this line, to explain how much I liked it, but I just really, really did. It really made me think it was Ryo.

...the doors to the bar are kicked open and shots are fired.
That made me all excited. I was like, oh the action! And could totally picture it.

So yeah, fucking loved it, excited for you to send me the follow up. And I'm sorry, sucky comment is really fucking sucky (this is why I don't do this). If we used hearts or smilies when communicating with each other, I would use a shitload right now.


inappropri8 December 2 2008, 23:20:46 UTC
grinning so fucking hard right now. seriiously, you commenting at all is a serious compliment. and saying really so many times, more than even i do, is also, like, huge. i dunno, it's like, it's all well and good if i like it, but if you do, then it's something else.

of course it's gonna work out. me write character death/sad endings? that's not possible, you should know that. if i left it like that, i would have cried. at something i wrote. i'm ridiculous. the interchangable characterizing was mostly because if i'm gonna be pretentious and write in second person, i might as well take it all the way and leave out names in general. a little bit was because i figured you could read it as ryoda. because ryoda was my first idea for this fic, even though it turned into ryouchi. so i was throwing you a bone.

hearts and smiles are overrated.


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