There is one amazing thing about me being as pressed for deadlines now as never before. However busy I could have been, it shall not be compared with what I go through now (or, to be honest, what goes through me right now). This is the most unusual goal ever - within a couple of days do what you was supposed to have completed in several years with no willingness at all.
This is at least a challenge. Somewhat a challenge - whether you can force yourself and your body show the miracles of self-restriction and overcome the unfavourable obstacles that you have yourself created or you pay for your own favourable choices.
This is somewhat a task that you have to cope with. Otherwise Denmark leaves you nothing but depression. This is indeed a wonderfully pecularity_lacking_country with its national hero - Little Mermaid being perhaps the most depressed girl in love - with no hair, no voice and no ability to walk as all the rest of the people. Another national hero - the fairy-teller Mr. Andersen - the most depressed story-teller ever, who through all his life realized he was a child of a king born out of wedlock but who could get nothing but the most terrific education in the school for the poorest children in the poorest province of the then-poorest European country. And, finally, the guy who could definately be called one of the most depressed philosophers - Kierkegaard with his pre-Nizche post-depressive ideas.
This is another proof of never listening to any of the trip advoisors. It all depends on certain person's mood, his companions and all those little details you will never be able to explain. If you had amazing air and amazing dreams in Hong Kong, it will forever remain your super destination and if you have all the limits of growth overgone and no wings whatsoever - Denmark is a perfectly depressive place to find yourself in. So, don't listen to me, it must be a wonderful country with Sweden being 20 min by train from the capital.
Don't believe me because a recent accidental (well, of course, nothing is happening by chance) test asked me: what kind of company would you like to work for in the future? What type of work would you like to try? What would like to study for a better performance? Well, I am not the dictator of the world and for sure must have some better dreams than sticking to the places that I currently find myself at. But it did pizzle me. Because in general I have already grabbed so much that I practically know how to achieve this or that. Even if I lack some important skills right now - I perfectly well know how to attain them, so, what's next? Some emptyness sucks one part of mine from the inside.
Another part remains struck - it doesn't know where to go further on. Because the law "find out what you want - work a lot - get it" just doesn't suit all the spheres of life. Playing the other way round only brings fake expectations.
Vicious circle? No way. Vicious thesis. No entries until June, 17. Best wishes to all of you, lovely people.
P.S.: don't ask me, what I was doing in Denmark. I was mostly trying to sleep while was not working