Jun 08, 2005 22:19
Well today was slightly hellish, as it was horribly hot outside and even worse on the bus. When I got on there was only one seat left containing less than two people. After I sat down, ten-fifteen more people proceeded to jam their bodies onto the bus. When it finally got stopped, I lept out off and half ran towards the library. Halfway up the driveway I turned around and realized I was being followed by 75% of the previous occupants of the bus. Somehow I managed to get into the library before they did and still have time to warn the other librarians of the influx of people about to arrive (apparently there was a play). Then I ran into the office and hid among the time sheets until they dispersed to the third floor.
I don't think you'll find any of my working experience interesting, so I'll skip it. Anyway, I did notice some signs with "VOTE!!!" typed in bold letters across them. At the time I merely wondered what it was but was not really interested. Later that day we (za family and I) ran into someone who asked us if we had voted on the Library budget since they're attempting to pass a 2 MILLION DOLLAR INCREASE!!! Obviously we hadn't heard this...no one had. No one was alerted to the budget vote, and no one knows where they were planning to put that money. Apparently they were pretty sure they would get it, since we're getting some pretty spiffy carpeting and wood/linoleum flooring in the non fiction and children's areas. Grr. As much as I love the library, this is unacceptable. They purposely planned this so that as little people would know as possible. IF THIS PASSES PEOPLE ARE NOT GOING TO WANT TO PASS THE SCHOOL BUDGET!!! THEN WE ARE ALL SCREWED! And there is no explanation for where this money would be going anyway! How can people get away with things like this?!?!??!?