My Birthday Blues Celebration!

Sep 01, 2009 14:19

Please join me for a night of beating down the birthday blues with some sweet Blues at The Alley, in historic downtown Sanford this Thursday night September 3rd from 8pm- midnight.

It's also the last chance you'll get to see me before I'm a married woman!
So come out and wish me a happy... 29th *hack* *cough* birthday and meet my hubby-to-be if you haven't yet. :)

The Alley is located at:
114 S. Park Ave.
Sanford, FL 32771

Message me at blue_maiya(AT) for further info. or if you have any questions.

:::big squishee hugs:::


p.s. I wanted to get in another reminder that if you want my daily updates, follow me on Twitter (BlueMaiya) or friend me on FaceBook (InAnna Maiya).
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