You've got to be kidding me...

Jan 14, 2008 22:54

I heard something today about my senior framer, that if it's true, makes me absolutely furious. Her husband is frequently in the hospital due to his cystic fibrosis, and December was no exception. She had told me at the beginning of the month that it was more than likely that he'd be in over Christmas. As the month progressed, she became more and more distracted, easily frustrated, and basically not wanting to be at work. It cumulated to the point that she left me in the lurch for the overnight shift (our last big push to get all X-mas related gifts out as well as any orders due Christmas Eve and the 26th) five days before Christmas. I could tell she was getting upset when I told her I could not reschedule the shift, that I would just have to continue it without her. I don't know when or how she thought I could shift the overnight, but apparently she thought I'd be likely to do it if she was unavailable. She left the Saturday before Christmas all wishing us a Happy Christmas and that she would see us on Wednesday. When I got there on Wednesday, apparently she called out for the next two days, citing stress. Well, Friday comes around and she doesn't show up. When the assistant store manager talks to her, she tells L. that she was only approved to have the early morning off because L. said she had a doctor's appointment to go to and that she would still need a doctor's note for her absence the two previous days. Supposedly L. gets a doctor's note that gives her leave until Jan. 10.

Well, today, I get a hearsay account that L. never intended on coming back once her doctor's note had expired. What really ticks me off is that if this is true, as far as I'm concerned she ran off like a coward. I know I am not the easiest boss to work for, but I do not demand more of my workers than I do of myself. I spend long hours in that shop making sure orders get done, to the point that it has created some animosity between my boyfriend and I. And yes, I'm going to be upset when someone's art gets damaged and I'm going to be upset when orders are not getting done in a timely fashion, but it's part of my job to make sure that orders are done ok and on time. I had even explained to her that as much as she wanted to be friends that there were times that I would need to be her boss. She would say "yeah, sure", and then not tell me when she was damaging artwork; I'd just stumble across it and she would attempt to blow it off when I confronted her about it. Or me already being at least an hour or two into overtime and needing to go home, god forbid she should have to stay more than one minute over her scheduled end time. To the point where it was busy, I' exhausted, have stayed at least an hour or more after I was suppose to go home. I'm literally ready to go grab my stuff and go home and she turns around and says "Ok, it's 5 p.m., I'm out of here, bye" and racing out the door. Which means I would usually have to stay for an another hour on top of that so that the closer would not be left in the lurch. Seriously, going above and beyond for her coworkers was not part of her repertoire. Her doing this is just the nail in the coffin. Instead of coming to me and tell me that the job was not working out for her, she just up and takes off without a backward glance. So much for being "friends", after all the slack that I've had to pick up for her and tolerated from her, I've come to the belief that the word "friend" to her is merely a synonym for sucker.

Friendship should imply some type of loyalty and even after she was on her two week recuperation period, I was still discussing her having a job in the shop. Even though it was true when I had said to W. that I had seen people let go with less absenteeism than her and even after W. had told me I was being too generous with L. after all the crap she had pulled. Now I've come to believe what's been said about L. She believes that the world owes her everything and she owes the world squat.

Fortunately for me, I'll be over this soon enough. I just feel sorry for the next people she considers her "friends".
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