Jun 14, 2004 18:18
well today wasnt a bad day at work, it was a nice and easy job, and i guess im climbing the ladder at mah new job and i heard them talking about giveing me more money and putting me out on mah own, which is cool, but today when i got home from work i did some really deep thinking about mah job and mah life and my babie girl.
and the more and more i think about i want to go thro and do this, cause its mah time and megs time to start our life togather. see in a couple of weeks i will be getting reviewd.. and thats when i find out if i stay on or not, you follow me so far? well anywaz, geting back to the point, i like working 4 the place and all, but there something more inportant in mah life, and this is megan, so i think im going to turn down staying on to work for them, and this is my reasson why, its because i think im going to get a place closer to megan, and i will just get a job down there, cause right now megan is inportant to me, and we gotten ever sooo close, and i truely belive that she is the one for me, actually she is the one 4 me, and i want to grow wit her i want to have a house wit her i want to be the father of her kids, its just time for me to leave pitts and move on to bigger and better things, this a part of lifes steps and i am now ready to take this step, cause on the other side is a wonderful girl waiting for me. wit a love so pure and true. so starting this week im going to start looking for a placve to leave, and then once a get a place to live i will worry about a job, cause i can go anywhere in the field that im in so im not worry about it. and i know a couple of places down in palmer that will hire me cause of the linces i got.. so this is my finaly decsion im moveing out of pitts. its times to start mah life wit mah true love megan Ann Lacroix
megan i <3 u allways&forever