Middle School Journal Prompts Answered
What if...
- What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?
... What do you mean what would happen if I could fly? The question answers itself! I would fly, of course! And I would use the ability to fly whenever I needed to suspend myself in (or transport myself through) the air.
- What would happen if there were no television? Why would this be good? bad?
My mother would have had to hire an actual babysitter all those years, which would probably be devastating to the old family budget. Do you know how much freakin' sitters make nowadays? Twenty dollars a minute. And that excludes 'fridge privileges, which is just an unwritten law. So you're looking at about fifty grand worth of damages just so you and the little lady can go out for a few martinis at the Jones', who, by the way, only invited you to the party because you invited THEM to the barbeque. They don't even like you two, and you KNOW you don't like them. But come spring, Martha worries about being the bad neighbor, so Ned and Gladys get the ol' RSVP on the pig made of construction paper that little Rex Jr. made. Made with the sitter. Because there was no television to watch instead.
- What would happen if everyone lived in space? What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear? What type of food would they eat? How would they travel?
In space, everyone wears tin foil suits, and the houses are made out of white plastic with computers mounted in the walls all over the place. Food is people, and the horse and buggy has come back in style. But the horses are rocket-powered, of course.
- What if cows gave root beer instead of milk?
Osteoporosis would never be more delicious.
- What if all the streets were rivers? What would be different?
Oh man, that would suck. All the cars would just sink right in! No, that doesn't sound practical at all... cancel the plans to turn streets into rivers, Canada. In fact, make all the rivers into streets, just in case!
- What would happen if people never co-operated? Why do you think it is important to co-operate?
When I first read this, I thought it said "coin-operated." Boy, I'm precious.
- What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?
That might lead to the smelliest drownings ever! And the kitties and puppies would be fightin' all the way to the ground, so an umbrella probably wouldn't do much good. You're going to get covered in animal violence, and your dry cleaning will be very pricey.
- What would happen if animals could talk? What are some of the questions you would like to ask animals?
Maybe a gecko would sell car insurance, or a horse would drive this dude named Wilbur totally nuts, and then this sickly looking emu would get a hit song called "Stars are Blind." Ha ha, that would be humorous.
- What would happen if you could become invisible whenever you wanted to? What are some of the things you could do that you cannot do now?
- What would happen if everyone wore the same clothes?
I don't want to share clothing with Steve Guttenberg... shudder.
- What would happen if you threw a piece of trash on the ground? What if everyone did?
You might pay a fine of $100 dollars or more, perhaps be made to serve community service.
- What if you could walk up walls and across ceilings?
- What if everyone lived under water? Where would people live?
... they would live... underwater?
- If your friend told you of a secret plan to run away from home, what would you do and why?
Golly! Why, I would tell an ADULT!