Mar 06, 2006 22:05
Done. It just needs to be typed up. It's 6.5 pages handwritten, which is hopefully above 1200 words. We shall see.
(oh, I pre-ordered oblivion, with two beautiful best buy gift cards that I was saving for just the occasion, in case any of my fellow gamers are interested)
Other work to do before I'm caught up in school:
Major work on my TOK project (Experimenting with audacity/effects, not to mention additional writing)
Math Portfolio Project
Theater Journal Entries (So many to do! Gah! Maybe I'll just do this weeks, and sacrifice the points for the last 4 weeks. Who knows.)
Theater Research commission. (Should be done writing that in a few hours)
This past month. So up and down. Where did it all begin? Why did it end? Self-pity = Not for me. So many blossoming friendships. Too many outlook changes. I never thought