Nov 30, 2006 05:34
I've neglected my LJ super bad this year. I've had so much going on and many changes have taken place.
I had the most weird feeling in the pit of my stomach last night. I just couldn't fall asleep, so, I opted for some really late night shopping at CVS. I fell asleep for a few hours and here I am again, on the damn computer. I've been so hesitant to write how I feel, it is almost too dangerous and destructive to put my thoughts out there. My insecurities have been getting the best of me lately. I want to say it is hormonal....I *hope* it is hormonal....because I would like to think I am a stronger person than this. I've managed to get myself into one hell of a pickle and I find myself acting how I said I never would act. Both good and bad qualitites have reared their little heads. Yeah, the "great girl" I wrote about in the last entry...heh...not so much, but her best friend, however...Yeah, it is a long drawn out lesbian filled drama story.
I just want to get through these next few weeks of endless term papers and finals. Hopefully I will be graduating by May of 08. Wish me luck.