SRT MUSH: Right now, I am my most super active here, as my ridiculous alts list will show. What can I say, I love beating up robots with other robots (also social rp).
Lockon Stratos/Lyle Dylandy: My very first alt, who I got like a year ago. :( In some ways, Lyle is the easiest character for me to play in a variety of situations, since he has a strong personality but is also not a goddamn lunatic. Also he's a friendly sort of guy. Been having fun doing the Celestial Being thing, particularly now that we have dudes and it's not just me and Tieria hanging out and braiding each others' hair... But I don't really have any specific plans with him. Also: Fun to emit Haro. Also also: D'awww, interacting with Anew.
Mister Bushido/Graham Aker: In some ways, it's very liberating to play a character who is pretty much batshit insane. In a rare turn of events, Graham is an FC I've taken up after someone else, but have not ignored all prior RP on account of the previous player being an idiot. The old Graham was pretty cool. :U The Mister Bushido Crazy Train is always delightful, of course, but there's an interesting challenge in playing him in trying to keep true to his Bushido-ness, but also retaining a sense of depth of character instead of him just being some kind of a machine where other people insert words, and out comes swords and crazy.
Eventually, of course, I want him to go back to being Graham Aker again, at which point I'll just have to find new ways to scare the bejeezus out of people with him. Also when that happens, I'll probably have him start a new unit, like the old OverFlags.
Shinn Asuka: Another FC that someone else dropped, except in this case I retconned everything the old one did, on account of him being an idiot.
The weird thing with Shinn on SRT is that he's been at no point the most fucked up character in the immediate vicinity, which puts me in the odd situation of 'Shinn Asuka being the voice of reason' having actually happened. Still, it's fun to have a character who can just say whatever comes into my mind, especially if it's wildly inappropriate. Future-wise, I want to: Interact with the rest of Minerva's Lance, like notorious pie-eater Sarah Zabiarov, and the mysterious CINCO BUNDENDA, but definitely not Johnny Domino. Also: Actually meet Stella, bloo bloo bloo.
Eventually, of course, my big plan is to get the Destiny and rock faces. That thing is frickin' sweet.
Kou Uraki: Kou is kind of my hardest character to play, because he's so... Normal. He's the average guy Gundam pilot, which is what I'm actually trying to turn into my main RP hook with him aside from 'criticising other people's robots' and 'yelling GATOOOOOOOO'.
I just want to do more with the character in general, which is mostly on me in the first place?? Probably should do some social stuff with him, or something.
Also, one day I'll get the Dendrobium, and Gato will get the Neue Ziel, and we'll just flail at each other with MAPs and kill everyone else in the room. BEST PLAN EVER.
Kamjin Kravshera: My only actual /villain/. Kamjin's space vikingness means I can pretty much do whatever as long as it's crazy and probably evil, and involves crushing Miclones. In a perfect universe, there would be other bad guy Zentradi, but sadly we live here, in reality. :(
Ultimately, I do plan to have Kamjin die, or at least appear to do so. In the meantime, I plan to in no particular order: Ally with the Shadow Mirrors and/or Lord Genome, blow things up, steal technology, and possibly also kill a guy with a trident.
Prospective Alts: More like PROSPECTIVE ALTOS, ha ha ha ha. Fuck you, that was clever. >:( Anyway, whenever Macross Frontier opens, I'm going to app the hell out of Alto Saotome, and kill anyone who gets in my way. Ideally this will happen after Kamjin has run his course.
MotM MUCK: Much like EVERYONE ELSE, I need to get back into the swing of things here. Been making an attempt with JINCHUU II: JINCHUU HARDER.
Kyo Kusanagi: I need to get off my duff with Kyo, because I love playing Kyo more than I love, like... Almost anything. Basically the character I was born to play. Also I haven't gotten to fight Iori at all yet. :/
Shenwoo: I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with Shen. Despite him being a pretty easy character to play in the context of MotM (his motivation after all is 'fight strong people forever and ever') I think I've lost the spark for him. :'( I'll probably take another shot at it, but if not I'll likely end up dropping him in the near future.
Tenma Kiryuu: The greatest OC I have ever devised, only partially cribbed from characters from shows I liked. Sadly, a lot of the amazing Guardian Kings vs. Pacific Resistance rivalry which totally monopolised the game for months and made stupid people complain (boo hoo, activity!) has fallen off for a wide variety of reasons, but with the advent of Jinchuu II I'm getting Tenma into things. Also dragging Hakuya along for the ride, ha ha ha yeaaaah.
Persona MUSH: Not gonna lie, I was kind of disappointed in this game at the start, but I clung to my one alt with vicious tenacity. It's actually started to get pretty good. I'm having... Fun?! What is this strange sensation?!
Tatsuya Suou: Though there are some people I absolutely refuse to interact with, I've been getting pretty active with Tatsuya lately. Possible influx of Persona 2 people which is cool, and an actual influx of OCs in Sumaru City which is definitely helping.
Gate MUSH: Getting really lazy here.
Harry Dresden: Another character I love to play more than I love candy, but sometimes I really feel behind the curve. I've never been able to 'keep up' with Gate as well as I do other games. Still, I should probably put in more effort with Harry, since even a bad scene with him is some of the best RP I've ever done. :(
Doctor Handsome Anthony Rosaio: Possibly a failed project?! I dunno, I probably need to try doing other things with this particular character, but various things have caused me to lose much of my verve for him, I guess. :'(
I really do love talking about myself.