Was tagged by
bunchofgrapes ages ago. I have a tendency to go days without logging on so I missed this. Sorry :(
Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
Seeking Absolution I really enjoyed writing this. Especially since the BSG fandom in particular frakking rocks and the 'ship is amazing. My take on what occurred during the unseen moments in "Hero". Hurt/comfort and angst with a fluffy ending.
Must Be the Heat This was fun. Playful and filled with sweet cotton candy goodness. Also, this as close I can get to writing something remotely resembling romance involving Jim and Catherine.
Promises to Keep Plot bunnies attacked soon after I'd finished reading Pterry's "Night Watch" novel. I got the urge to tack on my own version of a final scene to his awesome story. How did I do? :)
Hold On Tight This oneshot was done in a few hours and I was happy with how it turned out. Monk is a difficult fandom to write for and I experimented with a new style. It featured Adrian and Natalie after the episode "Mr. Monk Falls in Love" ended.
Home More Jim/Catherine goodness. I got the idea from a song, I think. Very short ficlet, but I thought it packed a punch.
Not tagging. Do if you wish :)
And some blogthingies:
You Are Boggle
You are an incredibly creative and resourceful person.
You're able to dig deep and think outside the box to get things done.
You are a non linear thinker. You don't like following directions.
You draw your inspiration from the strangest places sometimes. You're constantly inspired.
What Board Game Are You? You Are a Chocolate Chip Muffin
You are an interesting set of contradictions.
You are innocent yet bold. Funky yet predictable.
You are a bit dramatic and showy. You love attention.
And you know how to charm people into giving you what you want.
You are very determined and ambitious... but you're also lazy.
Success tends to come easily for you. You often “luck out”.
What Kind of Muffin Are You?