What to do?

Dec 02, 2011 00:55

Wait. I could sleep in. Watch loads of TV. Be productive. Nah. Nothing sounds fine.
The artificial spruce is up, but there seems to be something missing. Oh, right. Gifts. It's December 2nd and I have yet to add to my grand collection of one present. My daughter has been dropping big time hints about what she would like for Christmas. I can't wait to see her reaction when she unwraps it. Popcorn, candy and a full day's worth marathon of Powerpuff Girls episodes! I promised her the DVD set a while back, and I intend to keep my word.
So, the men's department specialist position is up for grabs again at my workplace. Yesterday, before I left I subtly hinted that I was still interested in moving on up. I got several words of encouragment, and my boss said he'd have a word with his boss about it. If anything I can't say I didn't give it another shot. The possibility of more money would give me a good incentive to strike out on my own. Finally. I've always wanted a pet cat, less noise and a place to call my own. I'm hopeful it all works out.
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weekend mischief, via ljapp

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