Oh look,a journal!

Feb 16, 2017 09:09

I haven't used this DW acount or LJ for a year now - have mostly been on Facebook and Ravelry (and the DW journal that links to Ravelry to note down patterns - nothing to see there!) This is mainly because I haven't been writing due to the lack of inspiration, though I have at least three works in theoretical progress I should do something about. I also have very erratic internet access due to the good machine not connecting to our wi-fi (or at least, not without disabling the high end security of the router, which seems couter-productive) and the netbook having insufficient ooomph to do all the stuff I need. We do not speak about using a tablet to write fic.

Ravery tells me I have knitted 64 things - so I have not been entrely unproductive.

Off to the second Archers Conference tomorrow - and taking more knitting.

This entry was originally posted at http://inamac.dreamwidth.org/100272.html. You may comment here or there (or not).

knitting, radio

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