One year, just one, I would love to get right through an Eastercon without having to resort to cold cures and take to my bed.
This is not that year.
To be fair, the dreaded lurgy did not really hit 'til today, so I only missed one thing (the item on training horses for film) that I really wanted to get to. And I was well enough yesterday to get to the 24hour garage shop and buy some Lemsip (and some much needed Food, since the hotel was only serving seafood, and cheese and tomato or tuna sandwiches (Lil does not eat seafood, I do not eat soggy tomato). If anyone plans on using the Raddison Edwardian for another Con they need to talk seriously about food selections - and if you were vegetarian or vegan you were obviously expected to spend the weekend starving.
I would have holed up in my room with the TV (except that it was impossible to get subtitles onscreen) or the radio (we had bought our own - just as well as the hotel system wasn't working at all).
Never mind. The point of Eastercon is to meet and chat with people that you don't get a chance to see enough of during the rest of the year - an objective which was largely achieved.
My apologies to everyone to whom I came in contact for the cold - I do hope it's not been passed on.
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