Re-posts and Ramblings

Apr 30, 2010 19:20

Another memo-post for me, locked down to

I'm finding things to do which don't involve (a)working or (b)writing. Which mostly means posting old stuff to AO3. Have dug up one of the old Hatstand files and scanned the single story from 'The Latin Hatstands' which is filed in it. I assume the others are in another ring binder somewhere in store - for reasons I fail to remember we split up our printed sets and it's sheer co-incidence that the disclaimer page is in the file at all. That makes two Pros stories uploaded - the 'change posting date' facility is wonderful for this purpose - I must go back and put the proper dates on the GG and Ace stuff.

Meanwhile, links to the repost of Routine Surveillance and the first post of Ars Gratia Artis


There is, as yet, no Potterstuff uploaded, but apparently they're currently filming the Epilogue. Not that films are ever shot in the right order, but I’d have thought that the logical thing to do in film terms would be to put the Epilogue scene at the beginning of Part 2 and do the rest in flashback - transitions between the parts being as problematical as they were in LotR.

potter, fic, ao3, professionals

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