6 months. :)

Jul 21, 2006 01:56

hmm...what'd I do today.

Slept until 11:30, made plans for late August, and generally lazed around.

Took a shower, and Mikey picked me up around 4. Went to see Pirates 2, it's freaking awesome, if a bit long. lots of <3 for using the same music.
The soundtracks make me happy. very happy.
Then we went to dinner at the Chancery, with popcorn fights, eating sugar, and modern art.
Came back to Mikey's, and discussed plans for August more....played with Tyler for a bit. Watched Aristocats [I love that movie...], and talked. :)

It was a good 6-month anniversary. :)

I honestly can't believe it's been that long, though, 'cause it feels like just two or three. But looking back...I guess it HAS been 6 months.

Six damn good months, if you ask me. :)

I love you, more than anything in the world. Forever and ever, a lot a lot. :D

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