September magazines - Duet, Potato, WinkUp, QLAP!, Rolling Stone and more ...

Aug 23, 2012 22:20

And back to our regular programming ... after a wonderful, amazing and terrific two weeks away.

So let's start with a bit of a magazine catch up - Duet, Potato, WinkUp, QLAP!, Rolling Stone, TV Fan, TV Guide, TV Pia.

Many lovely photoshoots of NEWS and only the first of quite a lot of scanning in my future. I really have missed the activity associated with NEWS doing concerts and all the goodies that brings.

Duet 2012.09 - 13Mb - MF

Potato 2012.09 - 15Mb - MF

WinkUp 2012.09 - 15Mb - MF

QLAP! 2012.09 - 18Mb - MF

Rolling Stone 2012.09 - 6Mb - MF

TV Pia 2012.08.17 - 3Mb - MF

TV Guide 2012.08.03 - 3Mb - MF
Sending messages for TV Guide's 50th Anniversary

TV Fan 2012.07.19 - 6Mb - MF

tv guide, tv fan, potato, duet, tv pia, magazine, scans, winkup

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