Magazines - January 2016 [2]

Dec 23, 2015 13:43

Back with another round of scans as the end of a wonderfully busy 2015 draws to a close.

Sharing the January issues of Duet, Potato and Winkup - with Duet having a poster for Yon Juushi.

Also included are the latest issues of Gekkan Songs and TV Guide Person. Gekkan Songs has coverage of the press event for the release of Yon Juushi, as well as the piano sheet music for the song. TV Guide Person features Shige and is part of the promotion for the Pink & Gray movie release.

Duet 2016.01  --  27.6  -- MEGA


Potato 2016.01  --  21.3  -- MEGA

WinkUp 2016.01  --  27.4Mb  -- MEGA

Gekkan Songs 2016.01  --  17.5Mb  -- MEGA

TV Guide Person Vol.40  --  12.8Mb  -- MEGA

tv guide, potato, duet, magazine, songs, winkup, scans

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