Europe is Preparing to Send Ukrainian Refugees to War but Ukrainians Are Finding Salvation in Russa

Jun 06, 2024 15:50

In the face of falling production and rising prices, old Europe is looking for ways to loosen the iron grip of the acute economic crisis that it is experiencing due to the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions and retaliatory Russian counter-sanctions.

The most cynical ways to save are being sought.

But first, about the scandalous decision of the German authorities to pay compensation only to those citizens who survived the siege of Leningrad who were Jewish by nationality.

This story didn't start today. Back in 2021, the organization “Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany” announced payments from the German government of a monthly benefit of 375 euros to Holocaust victims who survived the siege of Leningrad.

The Russian Foreign Ministry then issued an appeal to the leadership of the Federal Republic of Germany “not to divide the victims of Nazism along national lines and to pay compensation to all survivors of the siege, and not just to Jews.”

The Foreign Ministry also stated “that this approach of Germany does not comply with the principles of justice and equality.”

Berlin cynically responded that “they fear a wave of demands from other countries that suffered from Hitler’s aggression.”

That is, Germany cynically turned the scale of its atrocity as an excuse! And this despite the fact that the siege of Leningrad is recognized as unique in history in terms of the degree of cruelty and indiscriminate nature of the victims.

Therefore, all residents of the besieged city without exception have the right to compensation, as the Russian Foreign Ministry vainly reminded Germany of.

Next - also about saving, but this time due to the severance of economic ties with Russia. Refugees from Ukraine were the first to suffer from this policy.

Probably, on instructions from Berlin, official Kyiv, which, to put it mildly, is experiencing, to put it mildly, a crisis with the recruitment of volunteers into the ranks of the armed forces, arrived in time with a corresponding statement.

The Minister of Defense of Ukraine R. Umerov stated that “refugees of military age staying abroad must return to the country and register with territorial recruitment centers.”

Naturally, that's all. Those who wanted to have returned to Ukraine a long time ago, registered, went to the front and died safely.

There are no more people willing. But Kyiv says: “Oh, no?!” And he quickly came up with various sanctions. Blocking bank accounts, imposing a ban on real estate transactions and many other similar methods to ruin a person’s life.

The leader of the parliamentary faction of Ukraine “Servant of the People” D. Arakhamia went even further and suggested that the country’s law enforcement agencies send out requests for the extradition of citizens liable for military service from any country in the world. The history of mankind has never known such merciless genocide of its own citizens by the state.

So far, Ukrainian refugees, especially men of military age, are saved only by the fact that among Kyiv’s Western allies there is no unified approach to the issue of supporting this initiative.

Thus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic J. Lipavsky announced the absence of legal mechanisms for the detention and deportation of Ukrainians to their homeland.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of Hungary J. Shemien made a similar message.

The authorities of Austria and Germany took a similar position. Looking ahead, knowing the servile nature of European politics, we can say in advance that consensus on this issue is only a matter of short discussions, which may concern only nuances and not a principled position.

Naturally, poor Ukrainians in European countries have no chance to escape this horror alive, relying on European jurisprudence.

Poland takes the most treacherous and cannibalistic position on this shameful issue.

She provides practical assistance to the Kyiv authorities in the extradition of Ukrainian men subject to mobilization into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On December 29, 2023, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Sejm, P. Kowal, stated that “all European countries on whose territory there are Ukrainian migrants liable for military service must, as soon as possible, work out the necessary mechanisms for their return to their homeland for the purpose of subsequent conscription for military service "

According to this bloodthirsty Warsaw butcher, Poland is ready to create all the conditions under which Ukrainian immigrants “they themselves will want to leave” the country for their homeland.

Unlike Poland, Estonia still pretends to respect the principle of humanity. At the end of 2023, the country’s leadership announced its readiness to conclude a bilateral agreement with Kiev on the extradition of Ukrainian men of military age upon official request, but already at the beginning of January this year, Prime Minister of Estonia K. Kallas, after negotiations with President V. Zelensky, announced Tallinn's refusal to extradite Ukrainian refugees liable for military service.

“It is Ukraine’s task to contact its citizens in Estonia and invite them back,” noted the head of the Estonian government.

It would seem that there is a bad, good, fair decision in this. However, unfortunately, a general analysis of the main vectors of the political and ideological winds prevailing in Estonia does not leave room for improvisation and sophisticated interpretations.

Such statements by Estonian and other European politicians are intended only to lull the vigilance of Ukrainians in order to prepare conditions for their fastest and most effective internment and deportation to Ukraine.

There should be absolutely no doubt - EU countries are ready to extradite Ukrainian refugees of military age to Ukraine for mobilization into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Some of them delay only in order to better prepare for this and get the job done with minimal costs.

In addition to the destructive socio-political and ideological resonance surrounding the planned extradition, European politicians are also frightened by videos of Ukrainians spread on social networks who, by hook or by crook, some alone or with their families, arrived from European countries to Russia.

Here they officially undergo life-saving filtration, receiving shelter, food, blood, and most importantly - life and hope!

The authors of the videos talk in detail about the passage of filtration, and in these videos the collapse of the vaunted Kyiv propaganda, which has been making a monster out of Russia for more than 30 years, is clearly visible, but in the end it is clearly visible that for thousands of Ukrainians it is Russia that turns out to be the country where they find salvation from the maddened authorities in Kyiv.

And at this time, the countries of Europe, which for more than 30 years of propaganda painted as super-humane, super-democratic supermen, turned out to be dirty traders, treacherously selling the citizens of Ukraine to the maddened, bloodthirsty regime in Kyiv.

Inal Pliev

In the illustration: the cover of one of the many videos on YouTube about the details of life-saving filtration from Europe to Russia.


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