Backstreet in San Francisco - Night 2

Jul 21, 2010 00:32

So I've been avoiding making this post because that would solidify that my Backstreet week-beginning is over. Even though it has been over for more than 3 weeks now. Anyway.

There was an earthquake early Monday (June 28th) morning, but it was so little that Sarah and I just thought someone was jumping on our beds. We took our sweet time getting ready for the day. We watched a soccer game and Maury while getting ready lmfao. We grabbed some lunch in the mall food court. We wandered to the Apple store where I held the iPhone 4 AND IT FELT LIKE I WAS HOLDING MY FIRSTBORN CHILD. We walked to the Warfield and saw that the line was not bad at all and continued to dick around. I got my picture of the buses. We bought a blanket at Ross to sit on, and finally took our spot in line at 1ish.

Sarah didn't have to wait in line since she had VIP for Monday, but she's just that nice and sat with me until it was time for her to go and until Betty got there after work. Lots of fuckery in line that I'm just going to regurgitate now. We did not get asked "Who/what are you waiting in line for?" enough. We talked shit about everyone and everything; the only difference is Sarah's a million times nicer than me. Awesome Sarah quote interrupted by me: "I feel really bad saying it, but--" "I DON'T!" There were people selling shirts for $10. The shirts had pictures from NG and Unbreakable with the TIU tour dates/cities on the back. One of the girls behind us bought one. Her shirt said "This Is Up Tour 2010" lmfao. The girls directly behind us were from Germany. They studied abroad in San Diego the past semester and when they heard they were going to SF, they took the opportunity to explore the city and see them here. They told me about how in Europe they played at a huge venue to which I loled and told them a little something real quick about how America treats them.

CAN WE TALK ABOUT THAT "GAME" THEY HAD ON TWITTER?! I was running around downtown San Francisco in shoes that are not conducive to running, sweating my ass off in my skinny jeans trying to find Justin for a SILVER VIP pass. I got to everywhere he/they were just 5 minutes later. I was on my phone refreshing twitter every 3 seconds while Sarah was texting me from the line. Thanks to them, I drained my battery and my phone died before Christian TV even took the stage. Whatever, I didn't want a group picture and I had to wait for Betty anyway. lol oh me.

Soon Sarah had to leave me for her VIP, but shortly after Betty arrived (with a caramel frappucino for me, which YES I SPOTTED FIRST rofl). We made our traditional drug deal (aka exchanging money for goods, her money for a ticket), and sat in line to commence further shit-talking. Sarah texted updates from soundcheck like how Nick wasn't there due to a "family emergency" (rumors said something to do with Lauren) and how a girl screamed bloody murder upon hearing the news lmao.

Finally they started letting us in. I told Betty about our spots the night before and told her we should try to get the same spots, just right up against the divider/whatever so there would be no one in front of us and we'd get a clear view of the stage. And so we did. And it was awesome. Not only because it was a great view, but because next to us was a FABULOUS gaysian who was just in disbelief and filled with utter jealousy that the concert was going to be my third (fourth if you include Pride). Good company.

Christian TV came out, played, left. adlkgja;gdaskfa; then the Backstreet Boys came out! I swear, Howie and AJ are the only people I can EVER forgive for using terms such as "Frisco" and "San Fran." The main difference during this show versus the others: BRIAN LITTRELL TOOK OFF HIS HOODIE. I repeat, BRIAN LITTRELL TOOK OFF HIS HOODIE. I believe I exclaimed something to the effect of, "OH SHIT!" They seemed more relaxed and playful during this show. Brian was crazy. Nick appeared to fine even with his "family emergency." Howie was also there. But let it be known that this night was the night I decided I was done with AJ. (But then he got a twitter, and I love him again. Kind of.)

Then...the show ended. If I Knew Then started playing through the speakers, and Betty turned to me to ask, "...they're done? They're not coming back out?" I sadly shook my head no. It was over. No more shows, no 6-hour delirious drive home to debrief and sing/yell BSB songs at the top of our lungs. Over.

...well that dramatic, like a bad ending to a mediocre fanfic lol. I'm so happy that I got to see them as much as I did this time around. It was like a graduation present to myself. And I couldn't have gone with more awesome and fun people. My heart ♥, have it.

Their buses in a line, how cute

Oh hey, Nicky.

The PDA dance break was sick.

Those damn hoodies I loved so much.

You are now entering the hoodie-less Brian photoshoot.

Oh gtfo, Nick.

There he is...mmm.

Feet stuck to the ground

This guy


Never wanna hear you say

One of the perks of going to 293587 shows, you know when things are coming up. And for a man who's afraid of heights, this fool's in the air a lot.

lmfao I don't even..

Leaving me for the final time :(

JK! AJ came back for his sunglasses. In the Bay, we wear our stunner glasses at night, you see.

Aaaannddd it's over. Again if you want my pics for whatever reason (JM, you said you did?), just let me knooow links are in the comments!

betty, bsb concert, backstreet, san francisco, pictures

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