Apr 30, 2008 08:41
I don't know what i did, but my knee's been fucked up for the past week and a half. It's a rather bizarre injury. there wasn't any sort of "acute" instance where i was aware that i pulled something, it's just been sore. It started with waking up in the middle of the night with it hurting *a lot* and during the day it seems to be ok other than when it's bent more than like 45 degrees and i'm putting pressure on it (ei, doing squats or getting up out of a chair, walking up stairs) It's getting worse now. like i was sitting there playing poker last night and it was sore. The pain's localized to the inside part if the knee (like medial to the kneecap, not like behind the patella) but above the kneecap. maybe where the quad attaches? i don't know enough about anatomy to know if i should see a doctor or not. it's weird. I would go if i had a "i did this and i heard something pop" moment but i didn't. i feel like it might be related to my cats sleeping on me when i have my leg bent in a weird way. i feel like i'm just whining but it's interfering with life.