no hangover is PRETTY AMAZING.
id write a post about last night but i dont know if i remember a whole heap from it. except for the steverooz 'hey baby' thing cause lets face it, it was an exciting moment in my life :( oh, and some random boy that pretended he knew me stopped me and introduced me to kumar. SO NOW MY LIFE IS COMPLETE. it was the ultimate experience.
and just to ruin everything i've just said, on the way home i realised how much i actually liked silly david cause i started to feel bad about being so excited over steverooz. i never feel bad about that!!!! till now. so he needs to hurry up and profess his love to me and let us be together and live happily ever after for awhile, cause i'm now past the frustration point.
WHAT A RANDOM POST. i shall post some photos... now.
intepretation of chris judd eye gouging incident
oh hay sexy ladiesss
so happy he's home :(