Mar 17, 2007 23:22

I am offically a graduate of La Trobe University. SWELL!! I originally decided my photos should be in black and white, then realised the colour was too vibrant to miss out on. This will make sense in a second if you continue reading.. well more 'viewing'.

...... and you can see the hand injury from the stabbing with the scissors.

the downward spiral, it was a journey )

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Comments 6

flashflashflash March 17 2007, 13:37:47 UTC
Hee hee, David's mum is a MILF :p

And I love how you can see everyone getting redder and therefore, drunker, as the night goes on.

What are you going to do with your degree???


inadequate March 18 2007, 03:09:55 UTC
hahah she really is! i thought it was his sister :|

um im doing my 4th year of psych now and then after im done with this i'll probably decide whether applying for masters etc is the path i wanna take.

or alternatively, i will shove it on the wall and live off centrelink for the rest of my life!


magic_mr_kite March 18 2007, 00:10:12 UTC
lizzie scissorhands has FINISHED!
those photos are classic 'descent into drunkenness' photos haha


inadequate March 18 2007, 03:10:37 UTC
she's finished but not really!!! more like halfway through haha.


shakalak March 18 2007, 22:51:00 UTC
how was the ceremony? mine's in April and i'm anticipating a huge night of boredom!

you look so beautiful in your cap and gown though - it makes all that HECS debt worth it!!


inadequate March 19 2007, 08:42:09 UTC
it was really boring! and really quite nerve racking getting up on stage for 2 seconds :( HOWEVER the big procession at the start of the night when the academics walk up to the stage in this big royal entrance is funny enough to keep you entertained the rest of the night! GOOOOOD LUUUUUUCK!


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