Mar 27, 2006 10:38
I actually enjoying the fact that my weekends have shifted; from bouts of all night drinking bookended by sleeping all day, to going to bed early every night and actually getting things done during the day. This weekend I reserved $200 in fancy beer, DJ equipment and PA setup, bought a jacket and some new pants, helped Jean find a bunch of maternity clothes, cleaned the whole house, and watched a lot of basketball. And slept about 10 hours a night.
Mike was in town friday night with a day in black and white. They played this extremely unfortunate show at the South Union Arts space that MP shows is trying to do shows at these days. Ugh. The people running those shows are seriously lazy, and really do not care about the musicians they are dealing with, which is pretty frustrating. The show had four touring bands and no locals, very little promo, and got moved, less than a week before the show, to a venue that was basically still a church with a fucking altar rather than any kind of stage for a 4-piece rock band to set up on. ADIBAW had to play last and the sound guy had broken down the entire PA and was about to bounce before Mike informed him that they still had yet to play. That is some high school punk show shit, not something you do when youre a "professional" rock promoter. it was a bummer to have friends come into your town and deal with that. The boys seem to be having some hard times as a band, but I thought they played really well, an interesting set of super-tense rock. Mike and I got some solid hanging and music exchanging in as well.
Everything is in motion for the party Saturday. I'm trying to have everything set so I can just chill and GET CRAZY with like 100 friends.
Dubwise, I have recently acquired a ton of Wackies' stuff and I have decided that dub is the highest form of music ever created. Thats that. Doesn't everyone seem to eventually come to this conclusion?