Aren't you simply dying to know what Ritsuka thinks about your character? Then here is where you may find out any and all of his opinions. If your character isn't on the current list and you'd like to know anyways, please leave a comment with the character's name and LJ user name. I will be more than happy to add them to the list.
The list will be updated once a month.
Symbol Guide:
☆: Favorite :)
☺: Likes/doesn't mind
☹: Dislikes/annoying
✓: Out of 5. 1 being indifferent, 5 being trustworthy and loved.
✗: Out of 5. 1 being indifferent, 5 being hatred.
½: Half more.
Canon Relationships
Seimei Aoyagi: ☆| ✓✓✓✓✓ | Yet to be edited.
Soubi Agatsuma: ☺ | ✓✓✓½ | Yet to be edited.
Yuiko Hawatari: ☺ | ✓✓½ | Yet to be edited.
Luceti Relationships
☹ None thus far. ☹