This morning we woke up to find this poster on our living room wall. You can imagine how delighted we were! While wondering if there is an actual animal called a vaqita, or rather, vaquita. For the record, there is. Read about i
here. Lia read about it from one of the big science-y books she received for Christmas (she got at least 3). We have a rule in the house against sticking things to walls. They can only put stickers or posters on one certain wall in their room, and on their closet doors. So when I asked her why she posted it in the living room, instead of her room, Lia said, no one goes to her room, and she should put the poster where many people will see it. So we're making advocacy an exception to the rule I guess, from now on. Also I promised her I would take a photo and post it on the internet so that many more people than those that go to our living room can look at her poster.
This afternoon, we met an actual professional environmentalist, so we couldn't resist but tell him about the poster we found. He had some very serious questions about Lia's campaign. Here's an abridged version of the interview:
Uncle Paul: I heard you're trying to save an endangered animal. What is it?
Lia: Yes. the vaquita.
UP: So what can we do to help save the vaquita?
L: Um, not dump oil in the sea.
UP: Ok, good. What else?
L: Don't kill it.
Obviously, we don't have an action plan well laid out yet, but certainly she's raised her little bit of awareness, as everyone who had seen her poster on my FB wall has gone out and googled the vaquita and now know that it's out there and endangered. If you click the link I posted above of the vaquita page on the WWF site, at the very very bottom, they have information on how you can truly help. Here's the link again:
Help Save the Vaquita Here's to a living room filled with advocacies to help make the world a better place to live in.