Holding hands

May 18, 2012 00:07

Someday Ramon will make me extremely proud and happy. He will be successful in his field, which he will be passionate about. He will be a great father and husband, and will provide well for his family. He will love his country and devote a lot time and energy to serving the poor, and be an agent of change towards social justice. He will be a good, God-fearing, honorable man.

But right now he is 2 years old. He clutched my thumb as he hugged my hand to his chest and in a few seconds, he fell asleep beside me.

Someday he will be a great and many things to many people. But right now he is all mine. My little son. I am already extremely proud and happy.

Posted via LiveJournal.app.

EDIT: Right after writing this entry, I put away my phone and turned off the lights, and then reached out to Ramon to hug him and discovered that he wet the bed (he peed so much it came out of his diapers). This made me not happy at all. I turned the lights back on, fetched a new set of pajamas, and changed his clothes and diaper. He made all the appropriate moves while I was doing this (arched his back, raised his hands), he opened one small eye while I was changing him, and then closed it again without a fuss. This sort of made me slightly happy. And when he was again in fresh clothes and clean diaper, I turned the lights back off and collapsed into bed thinking I shouldn't do short posts on my phone before sleeping anymore. Haha. Hrrm.

ramon, motherhood, via ljapp, iphone

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