Apr 15, 2006 21:31
Turns out, I'm one lucky mama. In the past couple of weeks, Lia has been sleeping longer at night. If she's able to fall asleep by 7:30-ish, she'll generally stay asleep unti 2-ish. Which is why, as it turns out, Mommy's not that stuck at home after all.
Last friday, Mike's band had a gig in Eastwood and when I heard about it, I really didn't think I could go. But when Lia started sleeping well at night, and it seemed to mean a lot to Mike, I figured, what the hey, there's plenty of milk in the fridge anyway. So I put on a pair of jeans, sneakers and an old shirt and we went Gweilo's in Eastwood where the atmosphere was oh so familiar, yet oh so different. The last time I was there was for the Cuidad 10th anniversary gig in 2004. The last gig I ever went to was the Noontime Show Album Launch of the Itchyworms. I enjoyed both immensely but that's cause both events were like parties, rather than gigs, I knew a lot of other people there, and all the music was familiar. In mike's gig, I knew some people, I knew mike's band's music, but the rest was different. The crowd was older (the band members are older too kasi. haha.), I can't tolerate cigarette smoke quite as well anymore, and I've lost my taste for beer. In other words, I'm getting old. There was a time these new, up and coming bands were the most exciting thing in my life. I'd memorize gig skeds and follow them around as one of five or so fans in the audience. Last week, at the gig, I found myself checking my phone too often in case Lia's yaya texts that there's a problem. But I will say this, Mush Carnival has improved a lot since Mike joined the band. Their sound is much tighter, it's like they're more confident about how they sound. Not to mention emman doesn't sway from side to side anymore. He actually has these lead-singer-hand-movements going on. Pretty cool. After they played, I left mike to watch the rest of the bands, I went home with my sister-in-law, anxious to get back to my baby.
But then we went out again the following day, again without the baby, to have dinner with some of Mike's college classmates, and then go to Michelle's despedida/gambling night at her flat. Again, I went home earlier than Mike, my general curfew for myself is around 1AM, but my baby is still generally asleep when I get home. It's just funny how it's easier for me to go out late at night than during the day because my baby is more awake mornings and afternoons. Like today, Mike and I watched Ice Age 2 and when we got back, she immediately wanted to feed and then fed practically nonstop until evening. It's as if she realized we had left her behind and will never allow it again. My poor baby. I missed her and I hate seeing her cry, but when she's like that, it just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing she missed me too.