Minor Arcanum 007: The Fool, Reversed

Aug 01, 2011 22:37

[ I. Action » 1251 Williams Road » Housemates, Anyone nearby ]
Early Morning

[ Ugh. Those drones are at it again. It's six in the morning and a lawnmower outside is roaring to life. Of course it's a top-of-the-line, brand-spankin'-new lawnmower, so it's loud as Hell and pollutes the air like a Cuban on death row with a box of cigars. Maybe you're a neighbor, or maybe you're living in 1251 Williams Road. If you look outside you'll see Souji behind the mower cutting his grass as the sun rises.  It's strange, because he's usually pretty good about noise, and this clearly isn't something quiet...

If you approach, he'll just nod and politely wave but otherwise ignore you until the lawn is mowed! ]

[ II. Action » Rec Center » Driving Range » Anyone ]

[ And here Souji is. He's wearing an atrocious outfit. Talk about going all out. He's at the driving range and he's smacking golf balls with his driver.  You might have seen Souji do this before, but you sure as Hell haven't seen him in that outfit. Nor hear him cursing and muttering. ]

...Cool it, cool it, Souji. Gotta be a cool cat... A  cool daddy-o... No need ta' get frosted over golf!

[ III. Action » Annie's Flowers » Anyone Nearby ]

[ Souji's looking at some pretty flowers. Nothing strange about that, but then he starts talking.... and... yeah.

Come bother him? ]

Wowza. 'Dese roses ah expensive. But it's all worth it fa' my Baby!

[ IV. Action » 771 Bunker Street » Rin Kagamine, Housemates, Anyone Nearby ]
Early Evening

[ And here is drone!Souji, knocking on the door. He's cleaned up, changed clothes into typical Mayfield garb (standard issue pastel polo shirt tucked in with khakis) and has a small bouquet of roses. His hair is combed too! ]

Hello? Mista Hanamura? Rin? Rin can ya hear me? We're gonna miss the movie tonight! Ya ready ta catch the flick?

[[  OOC: Souji is droned!  Feel free to approach. Droned!Souji (me) will respond! ]]

!?droned, 1251 williams, rec center, !action, 771 bunker street

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