Theme: Shadow

Mar 01, 2010 22:52

Three Applications You've Voted On --
3. only two applications were in need 8U

About you;;
Name/Alias: Diana / Yunie
Age: 21
Stamped as: Chie Satonaka

What are your best qualities? Being someone with a lot of inner strength to deal with the ordeals of every each day i guess, also being someone that is honest with people most of the time, having a strong sense of what needs to be done and being someone that loves a lot
Out of those, which one do you think helps you the most in everyday life? To be honest i think that my strong sense of what needs to be done, the honesty is what helps me the most, at least in certain aspects i think that everyone deserves honesty and deserves that others are real if you know what i mean and my strong sense of knowing that i need to do things prevents me to simply cuddle in my emotional ball and live there ahha
What are your worst qualities? Being too emotional, at times irracional, not being able to interact nicely with others at least not in an open way for a while, being too picky and at times mean with others
Out of those, which one do you think affects you the most in everyday life? Probably being too emotional although that i am working a lot on that one and also my ability of not being able to interact that nicely with others, it affects me a lot because people don't trully see who i am really am and that really ticks me off

If you could have anything you wanted for yourself, money and objects aside, what would it be? Peace.
Why? I lived a very stressed life, running from a way to another, dropping school to start anew, moving homes and all that jazz, i just wish to live a peaceful life near the ones that love me and at least know the real me

What kind of first impression do you tend to give people? That i'm strangely introverted, that i'm a head on the clouds and a bit out there you know? Like she's not the average kind of girl at least since i am quite different from the average sue, that i'm someone that minds her own business but doesn't really have anything else to say, that wants to be left alone
How is it different from your true personality? Roflol it's very different, i am very lady playful like, i like being with people, not too many but i do, also i might be a little bit of a cloud headed girl but i know well what reality is all about, i'm a bit shy because at the beginning i don't feel comfortable in exposing myself to others unless i feel that i can trust them
Which side would you rather let people see? At times i wish they'd see the real me, i've been judged in the past a lot for being someone that looks a bit tired of life and for beieng socially awkward and it feels horrible to my self esteem *laughs*

Do you think you're a good person? I don't think of myself as a bad person no
Why? Dunno, i have a strong sense of justice to be honest, i am someone that even if i do something bad i'll admit it and i'll apologize and talk about it, i don't find myself as one of those gossipers or cruel girls that enjoy to see others sad or something, to be honest i think i am always in the good path on those terms

If you could change anything about the world, what would it be? Why? Maybe the cruelty that people have toward each others. I think that people are too judgemental, look too much to how we look like on the outside and less who we are on the inside and they hurt each other a lot because of it so yeah i'd change that
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? Why? Perhaps my insecurity with myself, i am someone that according to others has potential but i am too afraid of exposing myself and letting other people in or show what i'm made of instead of letting them see the mirror me, the strange girl and all

Anything else you want to add? Nope C: just let's cross our fingers and hope that the comm is revived for good ^o^
Voters: For a list and explanation of possible votes, please see here. Thank you. :)

shadow: rise, *needs stamp

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