Jul 21, 2005 12:38
me n ashley were really bored, and got talking about soo many different things we even came up with a conclusion : some people are soo fuckd up. ahah
fuck'd up friends, fuck'd up life. yada yada yada.
hmmm, heres jus some things that i dont get that i would like to understand.:::
i mean i cannot understand why people, talk shit, are like ohhh this n that, they hate when things happen to them but when they do it bak its like nothing.. kinda liek 2faced. but different. especially if your friends, how could you do somethign soo harsh.
if you truely are a real friend,you would never do any of this shit, people may seem real, but only u can decide.
*"f r i e n d s come and go, but the ones that stay are worth the extra mile"*
hmmm hope you all understand what im trying to say... maybe it dont make scence, but it does to me.