how well do you know me????

May 27, 2004 17:28

1) who do i love the most?
a. friends
b. boyfriend
c. brother

2) whats my fav color?
a. green
b. purple
c. red

3) whats my favorite hobby?
a. dancing
b. hanging with friends
c. going to the beach

4) whats my 2 fav junk foods?
a. ice cream and chips
b. candy and whipped cream
c. pickles and chocolate

5) whats my fav pick up line?
a. i lost my number, can i have yours?
b. i lost my teddy bear, can i sleep with you?
c. is there a mirror in your pocket b/c i can see myself in your pants

6) who do i think is the hottest?
a. tom welling and chad michael murray
b. harry potter and ryan phillipe
c. ashton kutcher and orlando bloom

7) who are my best friends?
a. ashlee, laura, and raquel
b. ethan, elycia, and gabby
c. all of the above

8) who am i in love with?
a. gavin
b. gavins brother
c. yo momma!

9) what do i think is my greatest quality about myself?
a. im funny and a good friend
b. im pretty and spunky
c. im extremely a good way

10) where will i be in ten years?
a. successful and married
b. engaged to a rich man
c. how the hell should i know?


1. c
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. a
10. c
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