Jun 07, 2005 14:18
sisterhood of the traveling oants friday call of u wanna come hoez <3 224 4909 <3 umm so wat new umm lets see my bEaUtIfUl is having a party (giggle giggle) yes yes i heart her <33 umm wad else daniel shanaz n gilly my boo are comin ta miami i wanna go see them but i donno =/ i miss my cousin jeremy alot we iz hustla hommies lol well jeremy if your reading i love an miss you alot yu are alwayz there to talk to me <3 n i miss sarana and lulu and it makes me sad cus they actually look up ta me and i know im not a good role model i mean i always thought i was but wen i look at the way aunty gail wants saranz to be like i look at me and of all the things she cud be she chooses this. i know srana wont admit that she looks up to me but lul will and sranas does everything i do! and so i try n be good for her but whats the use in putting on a show for everyone? to entertain them? ummm HELL NO and the last thing unle larry wants is sarana being like me cus as far as he knows i am rude and as far as my mother fucking family is concerned i am FUCKING SKREW UP ive alwayz been known as the bad child cus i dont take bullshit n i dont follow rules and im an individual. i love my family so much but i just wish they cud see me the way granny did <3