Dec 07, 2007 15:30
"...put in a situation where someone's going to kill his family, so he does it instead. And it's a lot quicker and a lot less painful. And of course, with Keyser, it destroys him. His family was all he had, and now he is this utterly ruthless shell of a man. I really believe that you're not born that ruthless and that evil and that cunning and that cold; you're made that way. And I think that an incident like that could make him that way. It's not that he hates anybody in particular-- he's mad at life, life really screwed him. Ultimately, like every other character in the script, he really brought it on himself."- Christopher McQuarrie, writer of The Usual Suspects.
I actually forgot all about this quote. I've always found it interesting that McQuarrie and Singer have a certain amount of sympathy for him.
(To be random, while looking up how to spell McQuarrie's name, I discovered that he's doing a movie on the Standford Prison Experiment. What?)
In other, more-relevant-to-this-journal news, I'm pretty certain that I'll be bringing Verbal back-- later rather than sooner, but back all the same. If anyone has any suggestions/ideas/advice on how to accomplish this, I'm all ears. I have a few ideas circulating in my head, but nothing definitive yet. Give me your best!
In the meantime, this journal isn't going to be completely inactive. I'm going to be catching up on prompts! Er, once school is out, that is.